Headphone Demo Collection

Looking to try headphones that you've always been curious about?

Discover our constantly growing selection of headphones to demo at The Hangout!

Updated: 20/11/23

Audeze LCD-X
Dekoni Blue
Dyson Headphone
Eksa E900 Pro
Gold Planar GL2000
HarmonicDyne G200
HarmonicDyne Nan-6
HarmonicDyne Poseidon
HarmonicDyne Zeus
Hifiman Arya
Hifiman Deva Pro
Hifiman HE-X4
Little Dot GYFU
Moondrop Joker
Moondrop Venus
Moondrop Void batch 1
Moondrop Void batch 2
Ovidius TX-901
Sennheiser HD560S
Sennheiser HD600
Sennheiser HD650
Sennheiser HD800S
Sennheiser HD8XX
Shure SRH840
Sivga Phoenix
Thieaudio Wraith
Timsok TS-1024
Tripowin H1